



With the exception of service animals, no animals are permitted in the 图书馆. Patrons bringing non-service animals into the building will be asked to leave.



自行车 may not be brought into the 图书馆. 自行车 may be parked outside on any available rack.



The 大学图书馆 is a resource for all, 因此,集合的用户不要故意阻止其他人访问集合中的项,这一点很重要. Items should be returned on time. 违反借阅政策可被处以罚款/费用,最高可包括暂停图书馆特权. 罚款和费用 vary depending on items checked out.



图书馆大楼在办公时间内向校园社区和公众开放. Information about library hours is available online on our 小时 页面 or by calling our main line at 323-343-3988.



Talking on 手机s is permitted in all non-quiet-study areas of the library. Patrons are expected to be respectful of other patrons while using their 手机s.



图书馆力求为大学社区提供最好的研究和学习环境. We ask all 图书馆 users for cooperation in following our conduct guidelines.

禁止扰乱图书馆使用者或干扰图书馆活动的行为. 这包括过度噪音(包括音响设备和电子通讯设备产生的噪音), 言语虐待, 暴力威胁, 性骚扰, 使用电子设备或进行其他干扰图书馆工作人员和读者活动的活动. 看到 CA Penal Code sections 415 and 415.5.

大学致力为学生提供安全、健康的学习及生活环境, 教师, 和工作人员. 校园社区的每个成员都应该选择有助于实现这一目标的行为. 学生被期望成为好公民,并从事负责任的行为,以反映他们的大学, to be civil to one another and to others in the campus community, and contribute positively to student and University life. 看到 CCA Standards for Student 行为.

预计遵守这些规则的要求将立即得到礼貌的尊重. Depending upon the seriousness of the infraction, refusal to comply with 图书馆 policies may result in:

  • A request to leave the building.
  • 警方调查可能违反国家教育法、民法或刑法的行为.
  • A University Code of Student 行为 and Discipline hearing.


违反学校和图书馆有关电脑使用的规定,可能导致帐户被取消, 纪律处分, and/or legal action (under California Penal Code Section 502).

Examples of unacceptable use include:

  • Viewing material that violates federal, 状态, or local laws or regulations, including those regarding accessing, 查看, 印刷, and distributing child pornography.
  • Any use that violates copyrights, 专利保护, 或许可协议——包括但不限于未经授权的软件复制, downloading and using pirated software, 系统地下载或打印整期期刊或卷或大部分电子资源.
  • 试图未经授权访问信息系统或侵犯他人隐私(例如运行试图计算或猜测密码的程序), that are designed to trick other users into disclosing their passwords, or intercepting or monitoring network communications that are not intended for you).
  • Tampering with library 电脑, including attempting to install unauthorized software, disconnecting library 电脑, or connecting private 电脑 to the library’s network lines.

所有由大学图书馆提供的电子访问都受足彩外围网站的限制 ITS Security and Guidelines policy. For more computing locations, see Open Access Computer Labs.



The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 大学图书馆 is committed to creating a welcoming, 安全和引人入胜的学习环境,支持足彩外围网站的教育使命. 像这样, the 大学图书馆 社区 Room is restricted to 教育-based events, 研讨会, 以及对加州州立大学洛杉矶社区开放的会议,并将在大学图书馆的活动日历上公布. The 大学图书馆 Innovation Hub is restricted to experiential-learning events, 研讨会, 和会议, or a one-time class lecture. 非由图书馆主办或共同主办的社交聚会或私人会议应通过适当的大学办公室安排. For more information, see event space guidelines and descriptions.






展品, and their associated events, are a valuable part of the 大学图书馆's outreach efforts. 他们应该告知, 教育, 娱乐, 突出的成就, provide opportunities f或者是 public to view art and artifacts, and/or promote the 图书馆's resources and 服务. 请参阅我们的详细资料 展览的指导方针.



如果以负责任的方式消费和处理零食和饮料,则允许在大学图书馆使用. Consideration must be given to fellow library users.

  • All drinks must be in spill-resistant containers.
  • Personal-sized snacks, sandwiches, or wrapped items are permitted.
  • 食品供应, 食品方, or group meals are not allowed except in relation to a library-approved event.
  • 食物 and drink use is discouraged around the print collection and library technology.

大学图书馆 users must:

  • Report spills immediately to a staff member or (电子邮件保护).
  • Dispose of trash and recycling in appropriate containers.




禁止扰乱图书馆使用者或干扰图书馆活动的行为. 这包括过度噪音(包括音响设备和电子通讯设备产生的噪音), 言语虐待, 暴力威胁, 性骚扰, 使用电子设备或进行其他干扰图书馆工作人员和读者活动的活动. CA Penal Code sections 415 and 415.5



如欲在馆内或馆外张贴临时或永久性标志,必须向图书馆管理人员提出申请,并经批准后方可张贴. 图书馆保留拒绝张贴内容的权利,并将删除未经授权张贴的招牌.



从2017年9月1日起,加州州立大学洛杉矶校区的任何地方都不允许Smoking. 请参阅 无烟足彩外围网站 或者是 CSU Executive Order outlining the Systemwide Smoke and Tobacco-Free Environment (PDF) 了解更多信息.



未经事先书面授权,禁止在图书馆内进行商业招揽活动. This includes all activities intended to result in a sale. 请参阅 President's Directive Regarding Use of University Buildings and Grounds.


Space for 学生 to Take Tests Using Third-party Proctoring Software

大学图书馆不为学生提供指定的空间参加在线第三方监考, 由于我们无法保证此类测试应用所需的环境(例如.g., steady WIFI, silence, no interruptions, etc.). 因此, 图书馆不建议使用自习室或其他图书馆空间来使用在线第三方监考软件进行考试.

Furthermore, we support the Resolution on the Use of Third Party Online Proctoring Systems approved by the Academic Senate (09/14/2021). 作为图书馆, we follow the ALA Code of 道德, 其中包括以下声明:“我们肯定每个人固有的尊严和权利. We work to recognize and dismantle systemic and individual biases; to confront inequity and oppression; to enhance diversity and inclusion; and to advance racial and social justice in our libraries, 社区, 职业, and associations through awareness, 宣传, 教育, 协作, 服务, and allocation of resources and spaces."

有关计算机实验室的更多信息,学生需要一台计算机参加他们的在线课程,而在校园里,请参阅 Temporary Open Access Labs



在指定的区域内,两栋图书馆大楼都有学习区域. The three types of zones are:


安静的 conversation allowed, no phone conversations

  • A Level East - 图书馆 North
  • 一楼-图书馆北
  • 2nd Floor Center - 图书馆 North



  • A Level West - 图书馆 North
  • B层-图书馆北
  • 2nd Floor Perimeter - 图书馆 North
  • 三楼-图书馆北
  • 2nd and 3rd Floor - Bridges



  • 图书馆南三楼

声音可能从自习室或通过门口传播,而使用这些区域的顾客可能会产生一些轻微的声音(键盘敲击声), 页面将, 偶尔咳嗽, 等). Please be patient with these minor interruptions.

可预订的研究生隔间和小组自习室的详细信息请参阅 预订座位 页面.


破坏公物/Destruction of 图书馆 Property

破坏图书馆资料,在书页上做记号或删除书页,或对资料进行其他破坏行为, equipment or facilities are considered acts of vandalism. 看到 Education Code 19910 and 19911. To prevent theft of 图书馆 materials, 图书馆 users may be asked to present book bags and briefcases for inspection.
